My Projects

Welcome! Here You can see my projects which I made in neogcamp level 0. I used various technologies like Javascript, Node js, React to built these projects. These are projects I've made with pure dedication. Click the see live button below to see those projects. If you are curious to know how I built those projects, you can click on the source code button below.

  1. How well do you know me?

    5th june 2021

    Here is a simple CLI Quiz app that I have made with Javascript language. In this quiz app, I test my friends and family that how well they know me. I'll ask them a simple question about myself and check whether they know about me or not. It is a fun app that I made using Repl.

  2. IPL Quiz

    7th june 2021

    ARE YOU A TRUE IPL FAN? If yes, then you must try this quiz app. It was a CLI quiz app in which I'll test you whether you are a true IPL fan or not. It will ask you questions about IPL and assess you based on your IPL knowledge. Javascript, Repl like technologies is used to build this app.

  3. Banana Speak

    13th june 2021

    Do you understand minions language? Their language is called Minionese or banana language. I've made this translation app where you can input a text in English and, it translates your sentences to BANANA LANGUAGE. We used Vanilla JS and a fun translation API to put together this app.

  4. Roman translator

    18th june 2021

    Build with vanilla JS this app translates your number to ROMAN NUMERALS. You have to input a number and click the translate button and, it will give you a roman translation for that number. This app also uses a fun translation API.

  5. Emozy Truck

    20th june 2021

    My first React JS app. We all love emozy, but often we don't know the meaning of certain emozy. Let's go through the functionality of the app now. You have to enter emozy in the input field, and it will instantly tell you the meaning of it If it was present in our database. Explore this app as soon as possible.

  6. Design Recommendation

    28th june 2021

    Another React JS app. People don't know about these design resources that you can use on your website. I gave you my recommendations of various resources I used. These resources will help you improve the aesthetics of your website.

  7. Cash Register App

    19th july 2021

    In this app, first, enter your bill amount. After that, enter the amount of cash given. Now, the app will tell you the minimum number of notes you have to give to return the change. To built this app, we used HTML, CSS & Javascript.

  8. Is Your Birthday Lucky?

    19th july 2021

    This app is build using Vanilla JS. We all have certain kinds of superstitions about luck. One such is a lucky number. This app will input your DOB and your favourite number and test whether your DOB is lucky or not. Try it!

  9. Fun With Triangles

    19th july 2021

    Triangles quiz app consists of several mini-games inside it. One such game is this triangle or not? We will ask you to enter three angles of triangles and will tell you whether they form a triangle or not. There is a game about finding areas and finding hypotenuse too. In the end, you can test your triangle knowledge with a triangle quiz. This app is build using HTML, CSS & Javascript.

  10. Palindrome Birthday

    19th july 2021

    Palindrome dates read forward and backwards same. Many people believe that palindrome dates are fortunate. In this app, You have to enter your date of birth and whether your birthday is palindrome or not. If your birthday is not a palindrome date then, It will tell you the nearest palindrome from the given date. This app is build using HTML, CSS & Javascript.

  11. Check Your Stock Performance

    19th july 2021

    Stocks will give you sublime returns but comes with a considerable risk of loss too. This app will tell you about the performance of your stocks. You have to enter buying price, selling price and quantity and, it will calculate the performance of your stocks.

  12. *Leap Year

    30th june 2021

    This app is built using Vanilla JS. Leap year comes once in four years and has 366 days one more than usual years. This app will tests whether your birthyear is a leap year or not based on certain calculation. Try this app and enjoy!

  13. *Rock Paper Scissors

    5th july 2021

    You have probably played this game in your schools, but I've made a web version of rock, paper, scissors. Playing this game is very fun so you should check this app out. Enjoy!

  14. *Lucky Birthday Build Using React

    6th july 2021

    This is the same app listed above called lucky birthday. But this app is built using React not with vanilla js.You can also check source code to see the differnce.

  15. *Weather Data

    july 2021

    This app shows you weather of your city. Search for a city and it will tell you the current weather of that city. Build using vanilla javascript and open weather API.

  16. *Expense Tracker

    july 2021

    This app is built using vanilla js. It keeps tracks of your expenses. You must check out this small project.